Mid-Coast Maine Annual Events
There are numerous events taking place throughout the year not only in Lincolnville but also in the nearby communities from Belfast to Rockland along the Mid-Coast of Maine. Waterfront concerts featuring performers known worldwide perform each summer from May - September. Check out the list below to assist you when deciding what to do during your stay at The Spouter Inn.Events to Take In While Staying At Spouter Inn B&B
January / February
- Winterfest Camden (5.8 miles)
- USA Toboggan Championships Camden Snow Bowl (9.6 miles)
- Camden Conference Camden (5.8 miles)
Add to your experience while staying at Spouter Inn B&B. Click HERE to order your tickets for shows from May - September held at Darling's Waterfront Pavilion in Bangor, just 50 minutes from Spouter Inn Bed and Breakfast.
- All Roads Music Festival Belfast May 20-21 (12.4 miles north)
- Camden's Jazz in June Camden Opera House June.
- Arts in the Park Belfast (12.4 miles)
- Fourth of July Festivities, Lincolnville, Camden, Rockland
- Watch the Fireworks as you sail aboard your choice of Schooners Olad, Heron, and the Surprise Camden and Rockport (5.6 miles)
- Take part in the Great Schooner Race Isleboro to Rockland
- North Atlantic Blues Festival Rockland (14.2 miles)
- Friendship Sloop Days Rockland (14.2 miles)
- Maine Antiques Festival Union, Maine (19 miles)
- Maine Boats, Homes, & Harbor Show Rockland (14.2 miles)
- Maine Lobster Festival Rockland (14.2 miles)
- Belfast Harborfest (12.4 miles)
- Maine Wild Blueberry Festival Union Fair Union (19 miles)
Enjoy a beautiful summer evening at one of Maine's premier vineyards and music venues, Savage Oakes in nearby Union, just 18 miles from Spouter Inn bed and Breakfast. Click HERE to order your tickets for the Summer Concert Series.
This summer, experience "Food Truck Fridays" at DownEast magazine in Rockport, a mere 15 minutes from Spouter Inn Bed and Breakfast. Free Admission ...Family Friendly...Maine Food Trucks... Live Entertainment....Lawn Games. Click HERE for dates, times, and more info about "Food Truck Fridays"
- Camden Windjammer Festival Camden (5.8 miles)
- MidCoast Maine Arts & Artisans Tour - Lincolnville, Camden, Rockport, Warren, Union, Appleton, & Hope
- Foreign Auto Festival Owls Head Transportation Museum (16 miles South)
- Common Ground Fair Sept 23-25 Unity (33 miles)
- Maine Celtic Celebration Sept 22-24 Belfast (12.4 miles)
- Camden International Film Festival (5.8 miles)
- Maine Crafts Weekend Oct 1 - 2
November / December
- Lincolnville Crafters Show
- Rockland Festival of Lights Rockland (14.2 miles south)
- Gardens A GLOW Boothbay (50 mi south)
- Christmas by the Sea Lincolnville, Camden, Rockport, Rockland
- Annual New Year's By The Bay, Belfast (12.4 mi north) Dec 31